Thursday, September 26, 2019

Next Week...

Boy that snuck up on my pretty quickly! My prep time is nearly over and the training program will being in 4 days. I wanted to be 185 when I started, but alas it looks like I will be in the neighborhood of 188-189. So far I have lost 11 pounds, in 2 months. I slacked off for a few weeks in month #2 but still managed to maintain so, I'll take it.

On Monday I will start posting about my workouts so I can easily track my progress. My basic schedule for Week 1 is:

Monday:      40 minutes, gradual speed increase include warm up and cool down
Tuesday:      3 miles, 1 minute at 6.0 4 minutes at 5.0 do not include warm up and cool down
Wednesday: REST (work outside, extra barn chores, etc.) WORDLESS WEDNESDAY!
Thursday:    40 minutes, Slow and Steady at 5.0 include warm up and cool down
Friday:         3 miles, 1 mile at 5.0, 1 mile at 5.5 1 mile at 5.0 do not include warm up and cool down
Saturday:     3 miles, Slow and Steady at 5.1 include warm up and cool down

I am loving DietBet. Having actual money on the line does make me think twice when I want a candy bar LOL. I am starting to "eat clean" next week as well, but truthfully, I will probably go back to counting macros.... I do need some variety in my diet!

I am excited and nervous at the same time. This has been a great summer, but I am ready to get back into shape! I really want to either run the full next year, or beat my time for the Half last year...

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